buld_a_website - Define the steps to build a website.


  1. Get informations:
    1. Browser support
    2. Language support
    3. Responsive design
    4. Mobile interface for the function
    5. RestFUL interface
    6. Get story board
    7. Get design
    8. Get HTML integration
    9. How many users will access this site ? Does it need to be very fast? Determine if it need to be static or dynamic.
    10. Availability of the site? Is this important?
    11. Determine degree of latitude for the client
  2. Prepare a new version of Extenso
  3. In the new version of Extenso:
    1. In site settings
      1. Set URLs
      2. Default SEO
      3. Logos and favicon
      4. Set Customer name in general
    2. Clean ct 
    3. Clean pages except home page and page 404
    4. Clean sn_widgets_list
    5. Clean sn_requests
    6. Setup active language in extenso/configuration/languages
  4. Integrate the style sheet in ressources
    1. Class of body must be site
    2. The stylesheet MUST support the theme manager
    3. A wrapper (div) with class cs must be defined
    4. All tags must be prefix with .cs as in
    5. .cs p
    6. .cs h1
    7. Must produce styles.css
    8. Must defines all tags in ckeditor
    9. p ul/ol li h1..h6 img a blockquote table
    10. Default style for ckeditor
    11. Default template for ckeditor
    12. Menubar for ckeditor based on latitude of the client
    13. The new theme layout
    14. Uses bootstrap ?
    15. Uses jquery css ?
    16. Uses jquery ui css ?
    17. Uses fonts ?
    18. Etc.
  5. Implement the grid template
    1. Add fullpage

              \{ {
                  if eq "staging" then
                      client_has_bootstrap = true;
                      if user.lg ne "" then
                          include("/extenso/html/extranet/" .+ user.lg .+ "/fullpage.snc");

    2. Add a wrapper for the CSS : <div class="cs"> ... </div>
    3. Define the header in ressources (no programming just make sure the integration is ok is you have a specific design)
      1. To test the ressources, publish the ressources and publish the home page
      2. Image might need to be copied from integration to the staging website in /staging/images
    4. Implement the footer
    5. Make sure all text within header and footer are in ct as in:

      { {

          %include "/extenso/functions/sn_ct.snc";

          use lg;
          use ressource;


      { {sn_ct(code:"Copyright")}} \{ {datetime(format:"%Y")}} { {sn_ct(code:"Sednove Inc")}}

    6. Only the small text should be put in sn_ct.

      1. Text that do not fit any where else

      2. Text that do not change very often but might be

      3. Menus, text from catalog, news, etc. should not be put in a sn_ct.

    7. Make sure that the copyright data is dynamic as in \{ {datetime(format:"%Y")}}

  6. Implement all Widgets

  7. Add sitemap.xml at the root

  8. Before delivery :

    1. Google Analytics should be installed

    2. Bing Web Master Tools should be installed

    3. Sitemap.xml should be configurated in BING/Google Analytics + add links in description ?

    4. Robot.txt should be present

    5. Verify the site security by using a security application like Anarchy. Correct base security error

    6. Verify SEO rules




Written by Pierre Laplante, <>


1.0 2015-01-17 22:50:14