How to create a table
Table - How to create a table
- In the Extenso menu, go to Extenso - Databases - Tables list
- ADD a new table - insert at least these fieds:
- Table name
- Table label
- Menu (where your table will be in the menu)
- Engine - Choose : InnoDB Percona-XtraDB, Supports transactions, row-level locking, and foreign keys
- SAVE your table
- Clic on the Fields list
- ADD fields - fill your needs
- SAVE your fields
Type of fields
Here is the minimum you need for each type of field:
- Text
- Field name
- Field label
- Display format: HTML edit
- Database format: Text
- You can choose a "ck toolbar"
- Text
- Field name
- Field label
- Display format: Text
- Database format: Variable character field
- Checkbox
- Field name
- Field label
- Display format: Checkbox
- Database format: Enumeration
- List of values for enum type - example : yes,no
- List of checkboxes from a table
- Field name
- Field label
- Display format: List of checkboxes from a table
- Database format: Variable character field
- Table name - example: sn_languages
- Name of field with value - example: lg
- Field name - example: lgname
- Option: sort by - example: lgname
- Option: select by - example: active = 'yes'
- Image
- Field name
- Field label
- Display format : Image
- Database format : Variable character field
- Pulldown menu from a list
- Field name
- Field label
- Display format: Pulldown menu from a list
- Database format: Variable character field
- Add values - example: internal,external
- Add options - example: Internal,External
- Pulldown menu from a table
- Field name
- Field label
- Display format: Pulldown menu from a table
- Database format: Integer
- Table name - example: pages
- Name of field with value - example: uid
- Field name - example: title
- Option: sort by - example: title_
- Option: select by - example: active = 'yes'
- Radio from a list
- Field name
- Field label
- Display format: Radio from a list
- Database format: Variable character field
- List of values for enum type - example: internal,external
- Add values - example: internal,external
- Add options - example: Internal,External
- Parent
- Field name
- Field label
- Display format : Parent
- Database format : Integerz
- Parent table - example : sn_widget_list
- Name of field to display in parent table - example : uid
- Name of field for value in parent table - example : uid
- Date
- Field name
- Field label
- Display format : Date selection
- Database format : Date
- Textarea
- Field name
- Field label
- Display format : Textarea
- Database format : Text
Written by Pascale Dewingaerde, <>
1.0 2016-05-17