This manual page shows why you would use Extenso and Sncode
Key points - This manual page shows why you would use Extenso and Sncode
Here is a list of key points for using Extenso and Sncode:
- Fast. For an example, see the graphic below
- Easy to use. Automatically build the CMS for the customer
- Sncode is a compile language
- Uses a virtual machine to execute code
- Can deliver code in binary
- Module store
- Sncode uses a simple syntax for non programmer
- Sncode is also powerful for experienced programmer
- Secure
- You can build a library of components to re-use.
- Faster development
- Easy to modify, change, adapt. Extenso can be modified within Extenso
Written by Pierre Laplante and Caroline Laplante, <laplante@sednove.com>