Describe how to call a function
functionscall - Describe how to call a function
ff(…) - Description of function call
The BNF definition for a function call in sncode is the following:
function call ::= ID ( arguments ) | ID ()
So a function call can have arguments or not!
BNF for argument is :
arguments ::= arguments , argument | argument
Arguments is either one argument or a list of arguments separated by commas.
And finally argument are :
argument ::= ID : mexpressions | mexpressions mexpressions ::= expressions | array | context
An argument is either a named argument or nor.
A named argument is used to name an argument.
For a named argument or not, we have an mexpressions which can be an array :
[ 1, 2, 3 ... ]
or a context:
{ directory : "tmp", name : "text" }
or an expressions :
1 + 2
Note: In the followings examples, the _ between the { should be removed to make it work.
res={_{ function f(...) sn_argsn; sn_argsp; endfunction f(1);}}.), q(res={}\[1].)); res={_{ function f(...) sn_argsn; sn_argsp; endfunction f(1,2,3);}}.), q(res={}\[1,2,3].)); res={_{ function f(...) sn_argsn; sn_argsp; endfunction f(1+2*3);}}.), q(res={}\[7].)); res={_{ function f(...) sn_argsn; sn_argsp; endfunction f(1+2*3,1+2*3**4);}}.), q(res={}\[7,163].)); res={_{ function f(...) sn_argsn; sn_argsp; endfunction f(a:1+2*3,1+2*3**4);}}.), q(res={"a":7}\[163].)); res={_{ function f(...) sn_argsn; sn_argsp; endfunction f(a:1+2*3,b:1+2*3**4);}}.), q(res={"a":7,"b":163}\[].)); res={_{ function g(...) "g"; sn_argsn; sn_argsp; return sn_argsp[0] +1 ; endfunction function f(...) "f"; sn_argsn; sn_argsp; endfunction f(a:g(1+2*3),b:1+2*3**4);}}.), q(res=g{}\[7]f{"a":8,"b":163}\[].)); res={_{ function f(...) sn_argsn; sn_argsp; endfunction f(a:{x:1,y:2},b:1+2*3**4);}}.), q(res={"a":{"x":1,"y":2},"b":163}\[].)); res={_{ function f(...) sn_argsn; sn_argsp; endfunction f(a:{x:1,y:2},b:[1+2*3**4,9]);}}.), q(res={"a":{"x":1,"y":2},"b":\[163,9]}\[].));
Written by Pierre Laplante, <>