Sncode from the Command Line
Sncode from the Command Line
cli_scripts - How to write and execute Sncode scripts from the command line.
It is recommended to execute Sncode scripts from the command line whenever you have to run:
- Very long operations that would otherwise hit the timeout limit when executed in the browser
- Scheduled and/or repetitive maintenance tasks (e.g., archiving or stats)
- Resource intensive operations
Your first CLI script
Create a simple file called
Hello World
As you can see, there is no difference between a CLI script and one that is executed in the browser.
Execute an uncompiled script (.sn) in the CLI
The simplest way:
When you have to specify the full path to your script (recommended):
sncode /path/to/your/script/
When there is no alias for the "sncode" command:
When your script requires a specific project configuration file (e.g., for database access):
sncode /full/path/to/your/ -c /path/to/your/config/project_name.conf
Execute a compiled script (.snc) in the CLI
The simplest way:
sncode -e /path/to/your/script.snc
When your script requires a specific project configuration file (e.g., for database access):
sncode -e /path/to/your/script.snc -c /path/to/your/config/project_name.conf
Advanced options
You may execute this command to get all available options:
sncode -h
Written by Jean-Georges Guenard, <>