stat . files . sncode
Use to stat a file.
stat - Used to stat a file.
stat([error:variable], "filename");
This function is used to stat a file.
Here is the list of parameters:
- If an error occured while trying to stat te file, the errcode and errmsg will be put in this associative array. If no error occur, errcode will be zero.
- The file contains the following definitions for this functions:
{_{ // Definitions for function stat %define FILE_SOURCE_PERMS 0x1000; // Copy source file's permissions // Definitions for set file permissions %define USETID 0x8000; /* Set user id */ %define UREAD 0x0400; /* Read by user */ %define UWRITE 0x0200; /* Write by user */ %define UEXECUTE 0x0100; /* Execute by user */ %define GSETID 0x4000; /* Set group id */ %define GREAD 0x0040; /* Read by group */ %define GWRITE 0x0020; /* Write by group */ %define GEXECUTE 0x0010; /* Execute by group */ %define WSTICKY 0x2000; /* Sticky bit */ %define WREAD 0x0004; /* Read by others */ %define WWRITE 0x0002; /* Write by others */ %define WEXECUTE 0x0001; /* Execute by others */ %define OS_DEFAULT 0x0FFF; /* use OS's default permissions */ }}
Note: In the followings examples, the _ between the { should be removed to make it work.
res={_{ a=stat("/time"); datetime(date:a.atime, format:"%Y");}}. return res=2013. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); datetime(date:a.mtime);}}. return res=2013-06-01 18:20:38. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); datetime(date:a.ctime);}}. return res=2013-06-01 18:21:41. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); a.size;}}. return res=23. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); a.csize;}}. return res=4096. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); a.file;}}. return res=/time. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); a.path;}}. return res=/usr/local/website/v5/time. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); a.filetype;}}. return res=reg. res={_{ a=stat("/"); a.filetype;}}. return res=dir. res={_{ a=stat("/xyxy"); a.filetype;}}. return .*No such file or directory.* res={_{ a=stat("/xyxy",error:x); x;}}. return .*No such file or directory.* res={_{ a=stat("/",error:x); x.errcode;}}. return res=0. test(_{asm => "-a"},q(res={_{ %include "/includes/"; a=stat("/time"); a.fileperms & STAT_UWRITE; printf("%x", a.fileperms);}}. return res=512644. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); a.user;}}. return res=99. res={_{ a=stat("/time");;}}. return res=99. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); a.inode;}}. return res=72119. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); a.device;}}. return res=2058. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); a.nlink;}}. return res=1. res={_{ a=stat("/time"); a.fname;}}. return res=/usr/local/website/v5/time.
Written by Pierre Laplante and Caroline Laplante, <>