random . math . sncode
Random number generator.
random - Random number generator.
random([min:integer, max:integer, seed:integer, init:bool);
This function generates a random number. This number will be contained between the set minimum (by default it is 0) and the set maximum (by default it is RAND_MAX). If "init" is true, the sequence is initialized by a seed (by default, the current is in microseconds).
For a same seed, the sequence is always the same.
Then function RAND_MAX() returns the maximum random number as a double.
Note: In the followings examples, the _ between the { should be removed to make it work.
res={_{random(seed:1,init:true)/RAND_MAX(); }}. return res=.840188. res={_{ random(min:4,max:17,init:true,seed:1); " " ;random(min:4,max:7); " " ;random(min:4,max:7); " " ;random(min:4,max:7); }}. return res=15 5 7 7. res={_{random(min:1,max:6,seed:1,init:true); }}. return res=6. res={_{ random(min:1,max:6,seed:1,init:true); b=0; n=0; for(i=0;i<20;++i) do " ";a=random(min:1,max:6); a; b+=a; n++; endfor ", b=";b; ", n=";n; ", avg="; b / n; }}. return res=6 3 5 5 6 2 3 5 2 4 3 4 3 4 6 6 4 5 1 4 1, b=76, n=20, avg=3. for(i=0;i<80;++i) do a=random(min:0x21,max:0x7a); chr(a); endfor might return @'naXq"D*2LR[sqD2lE</[Y2p@4GkTh1[[q8Rr[[*-3e&).7uRR)31:)PNP@(=QbxGzO?[0HgB3lK@(F rZN+kh3@;b`B%6)"])Q!c`IO([AS!Hxs(K#r858Swwt!2##n+Som9>B@xbry0oq8@s/X.F0+C*,T-.H8 a<+yYL>W46UC+L[JDi(R58\WAg1NuXe[toYSAw0T2dw<5WfYFn1[+l7LYHyS&c3zXkRxhaRyKN;`+'?P uO0%AGQyoORt8dtpULmB3EA]r\C#baR\6baV.7U"f-v$posK@fmR145(oX+W>\9TCz0Q7eS#qN&gCy7c e*;u>O#3,-iJi($2'3b=w:?mhEY1Cps.z4)>c+Pn8>>&EB7LUyhQ9-D'Q#7ts0'sC06+:eyR)=XM^ox8 mfi,r32H6HB.WI'zX<*r'(I/D&\(uZ@hE.s=A*eVQ,d.Tj-2,6)2>QAbW"jR\/?&<7C]@-8q9!%mk2$v H,.e]NM:P<k1J/7fFYHff_]$`aqPrtL@&Y*c-W"]rmmB")-GbU3N:oRyVHONBzmHYw0eS2GK%:l&CyM+ S_XlT/k/W?\x>NEwJUa#f.MkH>pj<Cto(Q`\`Pj<nL:2z^.J9oL%#xoJ<e9W.3K5d1pIa`eT2$f1bsZz h+$j)r9D]R!jdK%M\uuBZ_vkcb"J[[IHfM7nDP7''7pkbt>Cn9eNxa?`H@/(!WOf*fYM<oTC,I3mCP66 hzde`(J-HY4H6c3?Nlli`E1lnD^6tsKas5LY<vecTy1jbC.65z$uD5f7YILRBw9:2erM`]6:\G*Cj8X$
Written by Pierre Laplante and Caroline Laplante, <laplante@sednove.com>