status . response . sncode
Set return status code.
status - Sets returned status code.
This function sets returned status code for extenso. Status codes for Apache are defined in /includes/
Note: In the followings examples, the _ between the { should be removed to make it work.
{_{ // Definitions for files functions %define FILE_SOURCE_PERMS 0x1000; // Copies source file's permissions // Definitions for set file permissions %define USETID 0x8000; /* Sets user id */ %define UREAD 0x0400; /* Reads by user */ %define UWRITE 0x0200; /* Writes by user */ %define UEXECUTE 0x0100; /* Executes by user */ %define GSETID 0x4000; /* Sets group id */ %define GREAD 0x0040; /* Reads by group */ %define GWRITE 0x0020; /* Writes by group */ %define GEXECUTE 0x0010; /* Executes by group */ %define WSTICKY 0x2000; /* Sticky bit */ %define WREAD 0x0004; /* Reads by others */ %define WWRITE 0x0002; /* Writes by others */ %define WEXECUTE 0x0001; /* Executes by others */ %define OS_DEFAULT 0x0FFF; /* uses OS's default permissions */ // Definitions for APACHE %define HTTP_DECLINED -1; %define HTTP_OK 0; %define HTTP_CONTINUE 100; %define HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS 101; %define HTTP_PROCESSING 102; %define HTTP_OK 200; %define HTTP_CREATED 201; %define HTTP_ACCEPTED 202; %define HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE 203; %define HTTP_NO_CONTENT 204; %define HTTP_RESET_CONTENT 205; %define HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT 206; %define HTTP_MULTI_STATUS 207; %define HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES 300; %define HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY 301; %define HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY 302; %define HTTP_SEE_OTHER 303; %define HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED 304; %define HTTP_USE_PROXY 305; %define HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT 307; %define HTTP_BAD_REQUEST 400; %define HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED 401; %define HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED 402; %define HTTP_FORBIDDEN 403; %define HTTP_NOT_FOUND 404; %define HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED 405; %define HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE 406; %define HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED 407; %define HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT 408; %define HTTP_CONFLICT 409; %define HTTP_GONE 410; %define HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED 411; %define HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED 412; %define HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE 413; %define HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE 414; %define HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE 415; %define HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE 416; %define HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED 417; %define HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY 422; %define HTTP_LOCKED 423; %define HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY 424; %define HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED 426; %define HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 500; %define HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 501; %define HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY 502; %define HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 503; %define HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT 504; %define HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED 505; %define HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES 506; %define HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE 507; %define HTTP_NOT_EXTENDED 510; // Alignament options for a cell to be used with xls functions %define ALIGN_GENERAL 0; %define ALIGN_LEFT 1; %define ALIGN_CENTER 2; %define ALIGN_RIGHT 3; %define ALIGN_FILL 4; %define ALIGN_MULTIPLAN_DEFAULT 7; // the border values for a cell to be used with xls functions %define BORDER_LEFT 0x08; %define BORDER_RIGHT 0x10; %define BORDER_TOP 0x20; %define BORDER_BOTTOM 0x40; }}
Note: In the followings examples, the _ between the { should be removed to make it work.
res= {_{ %include "/includes/"; headers_out("Location",""); status(HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY); }} ~
Written by Pierre Laplante and Caroline Laplante, <>