insert . database . sncode
Insert into the databse.
insert - Inserts into the database.
insert (( [db:pointer,] table:string, snc:bool, user: integer, fields:string);
This function is used to insert values in a table.
- table
- Specifies the table.
- fields
- Specifies the list of fields, separated by commas. Fields are quoted automatically by the system to protect against SQL injection.
- snc
- Updates fields sn_cdate, sn_mdate, sn_cuid, sn_muid
- user
- User id for fields sn_cuid, sn_muid
- db
- Specifies an alternate database pointer as returned from connected function
- Starting from version 5.6.2 if db is undefined, it will fall back to the default database of the project.
This function return an array with the following elements:
- sql
- Built SQL statement.
- nbcols
- Number of columns in result.
- Offset
- Offset calculated when page is specified. If not, the value is -1.
- sqlerr
- Error message if any.
- uid
- Last insert id.
- sqlcode
- SQL error code. 0 if no error.
Note: In the followings examples, the _ between the { should be removed to make it work.
res={_{ a=sql("drop table IF EXISTS ? ;","sn_test1"); a=sql("create table sn_test1 (uid int NOT NULL , firstname varchar(255), lastname varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (uid"); a=insert(table:"sn_test1",fields:{firstname:'pierre',lastname:'laplante'}); a.uid; a=select(tables:"sn_test1"); stringnify(sort:true,a.rows); }}. return res=0\[{"firstname":"pierre","lastname":"laplante","uid":"0"}\]. res={_{ a=sql("drop table IF EXISTS ? ;","sn_test1"); a=sql("create table sn_test1 (uid int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, firstname varchar(255), lastname varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (uid"); a=insert(table:"sn_test1",fields:{firstname:'pierre',lastname:'laplante'}); a.uid; a=insert(table:"sn_test1",fields:{firstname:'chantal',lastname:'bilodeau'}); a.uid; a=select(tables:"sn_test1"); stringnify(sort:true,a.rows); }}. return res=12\[{"firstname":"pierre","lastname":"laplante","uid":"1"},{"firstname":"chantal","lastname":"bilodeau","uid":"2"}\]. res={_{ a=sql("drop table IF EXISTS ? ;","sn_test1"); a=sql("create table sn_test1 (uid int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, firstname varchar(255), lastname varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (uid"); a=insert(table:"sn_test1",fields:{sfirstname:'pierre',lastname:'laplante'}); a.sqlerr; }}. return res=Unknown column 'sfirstname' in 'field list'. res={_{ a=sql("drop table IF EXISTS ? ;","sn_test1"); a=sql("create table sn_test1 (uid int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, firstname varchar(255), lastname varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (uid"); b="l'ile"; a=insert(table:"sn_test1",fields:{firstname:b,lastname:b}); a.sqlerr; a=select(tables:"sn_test1"); stringnify(sort:true,a.rows); }}. return res=\[{"firstname":"l'ile","lastname":"l'ile","uid":"1"}\].
Written by Pierre Laplante and Caroline Laplante, <>